The inhabitants of Ain Leuh want everybody to know that a group of expulsed proselytisers are waging a media war on Morocco's decision to banish the evangelists who had been brainwashing forsaken children aged between 2 and 12.
In fact, Ain Leuh, Morocco has been the bull's eye for a group of christian raiders who established an orphanage in the periphery of this town and targetted children as young as two years old, inseminated their raw minds with hatred-loaded messages. Their mischievous plans have been uncovered and their exupulsion followed.Now, they are demonizing our beloved Morocco in the eyes of the International Community, something that we cannot tolerate
What is Village of hope! It is a plan. Moreover it is a conspirational, wicked representational effort reflecting the most iniquitous and devilish character of the talents, skills, abilities, and processes designed and implemented by Evangelicals to effectively operate in Muslim countries. Their efforts included affiliations, relationships, courtesy along with undercover destruction of the whole value system of Muslim countries, in our case Morocco.
The inhabitants of Ain Leuh are really thankful to the Moroccan government for deracinating the cancer named "the Village of Hope'lessness’”. The so-called "H-man" and his next-of-kin have done so much damage since the first day they sat foot in this serene village: They had one and only one mission: Evangelizing little infants (One-parent children + illegal babies).
ReplyDeleteWell, they had impish, satanic measures to do this and go unnoticed. They had their intermediaries get in touch with "prostitutes", women in trouble and poor families in order to tempt and entice them into giving away their kids to the institution, pretending that these kids would be well off both at the educational level and the material one. These ladies, who couldn't afford a decent life usually found themselves tempted to surrender their loved ones due to the lack of the financial means.
Well, this is not the problem; the real dilemma is that these missionaries did not abide by the Moroccan law which forbids all types of proselytizing within the Moroccan territory. The village of hopelessness, as some workers from within the institution always stated, had as a mission statement: Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him loves) you But Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) hates you.
For example, they put beautiful gifts in different places and tell the adopted children that “Jesus has given them to you”. Later they would steal them, and tell the kids that the Prophet of Muslims has stolen them. They inseminate in a mischievous way some sort of hatred vis-a- vis Muslims, particularly Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).
Fortunately, the Moroccan government decided to expel those evangelists. A decision that we do cherish. Thanks to everyone who made the deportation possible.
Good Riddance to (Her)man and co.
Now, these expulsed zombies are waging a terrible media war on Morocco's right to deffend its people against raiders who are guilty of trying to undermine the faith of Muslims.
Their group is labelled " Save the Village of Hope".
At least spread the word
There is more to come
وإذا كنا لا نهول ولا نتخوف من حملات التنصير في المغرب، نظرا لحصانة الشعب المغربي وتدينه، فإننا في نفس الوقت ندعو إلى عدم التهوين من هذا السرطان الإنجيلي المهووس الذي يحلم بتنصير ثلاثة ملايين مغربي في أفق سنة 2020، وخصوصا بعد دخول دول وسفارات أجنبية مثل الولايات المتحدة وهولندا على الخط، وانخراط منظمات "حقوقية" في "الدفاع" عن التنصير والمنصرين، وغياب جان لوك بلان من الكنيسة الإصلاحية الفرنسية في الدار البيضاء عن لقاء وزير الداخلية مع ممثلي الكنائس والديانات في المغرب، ثم استنكاره لمطاردة الشرطة للمنصرين في مراكش بعد ذلك... كل ذلك وغيره من المؤشرات يؤكد أن التنصير في المغرب دخل مرحلة جديدة تتميز بالتدويل والتدخل السافر ينبغي التصدي لها بحزم قبل استفحالها بعد استنبات "أقلية نصرانية مغربية" بمختلف الوسائل وإكراه المغرب على الاعتراف بها والتعامل معها كأمر واقع لا يمكن تجاهله
ReplyDeleteIt is narrated that the so called Her/man(hellman) and his next of kin had a sort of good relationship with a townsman named M. Well he was such a kind hearted Man that he would invite them every now and then and make them feel cosy whenever they visit him home . The venemous horde noticed that Mr. M had a handicapped child, and consequently insinuated that they might cure the innocent child for free. The poor man trusted them and agreed. They arranged everything and told M to be ready on a certain date. The Dday, they came with their van and before heading for Rabat, they told M: "Well, before we take your child to the clinic, we have one condition: You must pray with us in a Church in Fez." M., who is a Man in the full sense of the word, said "NO!!! my religion is not for sale. I'd rather see my child handicapped than sell my religion."
The Moroccan Constitution protects freedom of religion; however proselytizing is also forbidden. Article 220 of the Moroccan Penal Code applies the same potential punishment of a fine and up to 6 months in prison for any attempt to interfere with a person's exercise religious beliefs or attendance at religious services, and to "anyone who employs incitements to shake the faith of a Muslim or to convert him to another religion."
ReplyDeleteإذا لم تستطع أن تنصر مسلمًا ، فلا يجب أن تبقيه مسلمًا حقيقيا، قاعدة خبيثة أرساها منظّر الإرساليات التنصيرية في العالم الإسلامي صموئيل زويمر- منذ عقود عدة ، وعلى هذه القاعدة سارت خطى المنظمات التنصيرية لتنفيذ مخططها الخبيث في جنبات الأمة الإسلامية سعيًا لتذويب هوية هذه الأمة وتحويل عقيدتها إلى مسخ مشوه يجعلها سهلة المنال في أي مواجهة
ReplyDeleteهذه إحدى قصص التنصير بقرية عين اللوح. و قد ارتأينا أن نترك التعليق لكم . يحكى أن المدعو حرمان و أخلاؤه كانت تربطهم علاقة جيدة بأحد سكان القرية. فقد كان المسكين م . يستقبلهم و يرحب بهم في بيته أحسن ترحيب. و قد أثار انتباه المنصرين أن للسيد م طفل يعاني من إعاقة معينة: و لأن أهدافهم خيرية طبعا كما يزعمون، عرضوا عليه أن يعالجوا الطفل المريض وعلى حساب مؤسستهم المشبوهة. بعد ذلك، قام حرمان، مولرو برودبانت (رؤوس المؤسسة) بتوفير كل الوثائق الضرورية لإدخال الطفل إلى إحدى المصحات بالمغرب و حددوا مع السيد م اليوم الذي سيأخذون معهم فيه الطفل المريض. و في اليوم المحدد جاء حرمان و كبراؤه لاصطحاب الطفل المسكين. ... لكن .. هناك شرط بسيط: " قبل أن نذهب للمصحة يجب أن تصلي معنا في الكنيسة بفاس." أما السيد م فقد كان رجلا بكل معنى الكلمة: أجابهم "لا " "لا أريد منكم شيئا. ٌقضاء ربي أحب إلي من شفاء ولدي" . نحن قوم لا نأكل بديننا
ReplyDeleteThank you guys