Ain Leuh, a small town that had always been described by Evangelicals as both a summer resort and a centre for propagating falsehoods and misconceptions, especially about Islam. Herman Boonstra and Errol Muler used to deceivably and repeatedly claim that Ain Leuh is very pleasant, civilized and fashionable: statements that had always been skeptically explored by most “Ain Leuhians”. For Western Evangelicals, Morocco (in our case Ain Leuh) represents the nearest and most accessible part of Africa and a gateway for further missionary conquests. In fact, Morocco has increasingly been sought out by Multinational Evangelical Institutions. Some Ain Leuhians still remember Herman Boonstra’s repetitive statement: “This town has much to offer – seemingly endless rows of poor and illiterate Moorish townsmen, ready to be exploited”. The hostility Boonstra showed towards freedom of thought and belief was at its peak 7 or 8 years ago when his illicit son “Umit Boonstra” entered the local mosque so as to perform Muslim prayers. When the hatred dealer Boonstra heard of it, he decided to hung his adopted son hadn’t Michelle or Jetty intervened. He used to have a hundred ways of justifying the deeds of his marooned, dirty-tricks agent, M, who was in charge of knocking on prostitutes’ doors and entice them into committing more adultery and fornication which will guarantee the Village of Hope (VOH) more guinea pigs (orphans), What a continuum!. This local guy, whom every local townsman knows is usually described as “a rat, snitch, leprosy walking on two feet, or worse, Herman’s thug”. M is said to be still discretely cooperating with VOH agents, some of whom are still roaming around the crime scene. Later this afternoon, we will tell you the story of Hanan (who used to be brainwashed by Herman and Jetty Boonstra). Stay tuned!!! more videos are ahead...!!
What is Village of hope! It is a plan. Moreover it is a conspirational, wicked representational effort reflecting the most iniquitous and devilish character of the talents, skills, abilities, and processes designed and implemented by Evangelicals to effectively operate in Muslim countries. Their efforts included affiliations, relationships, courtesy along with undercover destruction of the whole value system of Muslim countries, in our case Morocco.
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