Evangelism, No!!!!!

Sunday, 30 May 2010

VOH! Go back and entrust your kids to the devil you brought with you to Ain Leuh: Our souls are not for sale.

If you asked people who are acquainted with Chris Broadbent to describe him, they would say:
“The skipper’s face was profoundly lined, and his cheeks are scrawny. He looks at least 10 years older than the pictures you and I see on his facebook profile. His eyes bespeak hatred and lust. He seemed to be embarrassed by the way Herman Boonstra, his accomplice, is cherished inside the institution.
Chris Broadbent had the appearance of those colonists depicted in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” if not like the hunter in Jumanji. He looked tongue-tied most of the time, ill at ease, and sloppily dressed. This man who doesn’t even look like normal people, Evangelicals believe, had the will and the machinery whereby he can reinstate the collapsing institution.” Anonymous.

In Ain Leuh, people started to become sick of the arrogance and brutal malice of VOH proselytizers, simply because they do not honour Muslims nor do they respect the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.
It mattered not much to the VOH staff who was right or wrong. They neither knew nor cared that their corrupt chief has displeased his mentors overseas because he could not control his outpost. It mattered only that an entire population of 33 little Muslim kids had to be brainwashed. It was already an issue of Islam versus Zionist Christianity. The chief’s education had been very basic. He had learned the Biblical verses necessary for converting innocent poor Muslims, even though, it is said; he could not understand those verses well. The other estranged members of the institution knew nothing of the cold war between Boomstra, Error, Broadbanter and Padzilla. But they were told that the Elites are great comrades now, which made perfect sense for the senseless.
Before the Evangelicals became mature, it was clear that they would still not do one thing that has always been impossible for them: UNITE. This caused much mumbling and groaning amongst the godfathers of the Evangelical mission in Ain Leuh and overseas, especially that they knew they wouldn’t survive another winter in Morocco. It was sheer nonsense for most of them: The landscape they see was completely shattered.
As patriotic Moroccans, VOH reminded us of the early colonists. They used to deliver one and only one message: “We were sent to you. Come with us: you may embark with us any time for happiness together, after pain, after long years of poverty. Make a prayer and this is our grant.”
VOH is history now. The wolf pack & the swineherd are finally “scattered” back to where they belong.

Friday, 14 May 2010

The Years Village of Hope Evangelicals Spent Leaping Backward.

In Belgium and the Low Lands, De La Mancha vows to summon 10000 Evangelical protestors for an unjust cause!!!!

VOH Evangelicals are uniting in three days’ time under the banner of “hatred”. It seems that their heart-searching about truth never paid off.
The question of where an Evangelical’s first duty lay was hotly debated between and amongst VOH masterminds. The shock waves of the fall of VOH institution into Muslim hands were felt in the farthest corners of Europe and America. To most Evangelicals, as do their websites testify, it was sacrilege of the grossest kind, made all the worse by the feelings that a long journey of hatred-teaching happens to have been simply useless, mainly that the kids have quickly and spontaneously adapted to the natural atmosphere they are in now. In fact, by shutting Evangelicals out, the Moroccan government has done the population a great good.
Three years ago, according to a VOH ex-“inmate”, Herman Boonstra declared VOH “destitution” to be a domain of Faith, wherein the real and authentic teaching of Islam is unlawful. He even said “there will come a day when there will be no single Muslim inside this institution.” Now, the facts do testify that “We live in an era when there is no single Evangelical in the institution.” Therefore, as the title testifies: Herman Boonstra was heading a great leap backward.
Those expulsed Evangelical zealots had named themselves newborn again: If they had been born again, I think that by their expulsion, they have simply been resurrected.
WE wonder why they have abandoned the noble teachings of Jesus Peace Be Upon Him and retreated into a closed settlement of hatred, profanity and anarchy. Well, for more than a decade, the male members of VOH Evangelicals combined to run the movement initiated by Herman Boonstra and Errol Muller, initially as their counselors or lieutenants and subsequently as devotees of their CULT. Within the institution and overseas, they had been portrayed as saints, but it would be more accurate to compare them to the Mafia families of Sicily and America.
Both men conspired to impose their exclusive views of our society through money and mischief.

“Say: “Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always bound to vanish.” (Surat al-Isra, 81)
“Those before them plotted but all plotting belongs to Allah. He knows what each self earns, and the unbelievers will soon know who has the Ultimate Abode. (Surat ar-R’ad, 42)

“They desire to extinguish Allah’s Light with their mouths. But Allah refuses to do other than perfect His Light, even though the unbelievers detest it. (Surat at-Tawba, 32)

“They desire to extinguish Allah’s Light with their mouths but Allah will perfect His Light, though the unbelievers hate it. (Surat as-Saff, 8)


Sunday, 9 May 2010

For those who support VOH (Village of Hope)

We do support village of hope...but as it is now. Children born to Muslim parents and raised as expected by loving, caring and responsible Muslim families. VOH say they care about the orphans. Can they tell the people what happened to the ex-orphans? I mean the children who had been raised by two American ladies (Miss Doran and Miss Coats). Could you please tell us why you shunned Hassan, Mounir (amongst others) away, although the land on which they established their "shrine" belongs to them? Could VOH please tell people that These ex-orphans are still suing Broadbent, Herman Boonstra(p) and Errol, “Harms” (among others) for "looting" a land that belongs to the orphans raised by the two American ladies? VOH didn’t abide by the golden rule: I guess you know it: "do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you". In Biblical terms, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." (Bible (King James)/Matthew#7:12
Jesus Peace Be Upon Him loves, So does Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him. Accept this message from a "benighted Ishmilite"
Check For yourselves: Islam is a reality: A complete way of life .
Once and everytime again and again and again: who sows the wind, will
reap nothing but tornados like Katrina,El Nino at the best of times
The best is yet to come: everything comes to him he who waits. We are not pulling your leg; We are very serious.
Ain Leuh community don't (doesn't) want VOH back.

The best is yet to come.


Saturday, 8 May 2010

Village of Hope: No Chicken-and-Egg Mystery

Yes, there is no chicken-and-egg mystery about who comes first: Errol Muller or Herman Boonstra. Despite their diabolic reputation, they did something good. Specifically, we discovered that Herman Boonstra had a famous VASE in the institution. Well, Mr. Boonstra used to hang photos of late Arab or Muslim leaders like leaves emanating from that notorious vase. He had a picture of Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein… Yet, he was too short-sighted to guess that his own caricature will make the bulk of the whole plant. Although we don’t like this saying, but for this context it is simply perfect “Every dog has his day” and your day had been scheduled earlier than you expected, contemptible Christian Evangelicals.
Errol and his demoralized matchstick cavalrymen and women rode back and scattered themselves on different host countries. The irony is that the wolf pack (the Broadbents, the Mullers, the Boonstras, The Padillas, Akright; Syrjala…) set about transforming Ain Leuh area into a theocracy modeled on those tried before by colonialism.
Although determined to avoid direct conflict with the local townsmen of Ain Leuh, the free masons of VOH (Village of Hell) lost no opportunity to vent the zealous religious spleen on ordinary, illiterate young and old “poor” people alike as close an approximation to the ways of the early rotten colonialists as they could manage within the law, even to the extent of employing money to entice these poor people into leaving Islam to “hug” a thorny belief of which they know nothing.

Friday, 7 May 2010

The Unholy Alliance: Story of the Village of Hope

The Unholy Alliance: Story of the Village of Hope
In the late 1990s, so the authentic version goes, two middle aged men came from overseas to a peaceful, pretty but poor Moroccan “Muslim” town called Ain Leuh. This pair of men, with the help of a few Moroccan money-hungry opportunists, arranged all the legal papers for an orphanage that was to be established in the outskirts of this modest town. These warlords were Errol Muller and Herman Boonstra, two landless and barely wise strangers- the first is South African and the second Dutch-. They were veteran Evangelists who had lost all kinds of clear vision when they decided to fight Muslims. In fact, they were so disillusioned by the corruption of each other that they tried vainly to kick one another off by hook or by crook. So sickened was Errol Muller by his “closest” co-operator that he summoned some other Evangelists and swore with them to rid VOH of the devil, Boonstra, who was destroying their dream : the establishment of an outpost of estranged 33 kids ready to be unleashed on the Muslim community in the years to come. In other words, the Evangelicals wanted to have a Zionist Christian minority inside our country capable of toppling the religious stability of our beloved Morocco, God forbid.
The Strategy:
On the local level, the whole group of Evangelists went from one bordello or knocking shop to another calling for she-volunteers: Wenches/prostitutes who were ready to get pregnant for money and willing to “donate “ the baby or the bastard to the institution which will make a priest out of him/her. To achieve these goals, they had to use a notorious townsman, a guy/gay or maybe pimp with some degree in “geography”. For his own benefit, we won’t mention his name. Anyway, the men who founded VOH (village of Hell) were no real ideologues, but the men who joined them, and who became their closest lieutenants were very much of a type, since some of them were the product of an Evangelist institution, while the others were ex-convicts. All of them Newborn Againers.
What those Evangelists lost sight of was that right beneath them a lot of overwhelmingly law-abiding men and women were digging down the whole stuff/staff: you know the work of the devil can easily be washed away by water.
Some patriotic Moroccans,”Moors” you might call them, have been doing the work of God simply to establish an alternative institution with strong Islamic moral Values. These are people who wish nothing more than to live in harmony with their Muslim and non-Muslim overseas neighbors.
We want to see others embrace our faith, but are no more and no less bent on world domination than Christian Evangelicals who wish to see humankind “saved”.
History teaches us that Evangelical theocracy does not work, because people simply will not put up with it.
So footloose VOH Christian Evangelicals have been!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reporting from Ainleuh

We do know and from the first day theses missionaries put their feet on the land of our village that they were carrying death rather than life, chaos rather than peace, hatred rather than love. What Kind of hope can you preach when you are hopeless. Yes they were hopeless( and will always be)when all they did was targetting innocent kids and people in dire straits. They have not even been teaching pure Chritianity. All what the village people felt was death making benefit of vulnerable people to take them inside the dark bottomless pit they went on digging till their doomsday: The day we got rid of them. There are plenty of evidence that could sentence them to millions of years in any real democratic country. tell them that they have been lucky to leave, otherwise they could have been sentenced to years and years of prison.
I do say this because the village people feel so much pain when they see our children(those they brought up)full of hated to the village people and especially to the Prophet of Islam,Mohammad Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him.
Why don't they have courage to target mature autonomous Muslims? How coward they are to exploit the children and the needy!
Tell them that the wheel keeps on turning and the future is definitely that of ISLAM.

Free at last

Dear readers,
Sometimes, people seem to speak about an issue of which they have little or no knowledge. I am a native of Ain Leuh and I am familiar with all the atrocities VOH has been doing in our beloved town.
Those people are no simple sympathetic Christians as various Evangelical websites portray them; they had been the worst nightmare our village has ever had. In other words, they are wolves in men's clothing. Yes, they shed crocodile tears on youtube and facebook. If you want to know the truth, come to Ain leuh and check what the people say. We are very happy and soothed that the pest has left back to where it belongs.
I don't know how a group pretends to be giving love when all they did was sowing the seeds of hatred amongst and between little innocent children. Imagine, Herman Boonstra, Errol Muller, Chris Broadbent ... stealing little kids' belongings and gifts and telling those little innocent souls that Mohammed PBUH stole them from you. What sort of (Zionist) teachings are these?
The kids are now well and fine. They are getting the best education they require and the softest care they need. We are finally at peace with ourselves and with the environment around us.
By the way, the land upon which VOH is established belongs to ex-orphans, who have been suing VOH staff for the last ten years. He who steals a land by wicked means will steal innocent souls and pretend to be doing it for Humane reasons.
We have nothing against moderate, rational and respectful Christians. We love Prophet Jesus Peace Be Upon Him. To make sure we do check this website:

Breathtaking stories from the crime scene

The Deportation of the staff of the so called "village of hope" was not an isolated case. There were many similar cases in different parts of Morocco. However, they all those people have the same objective in common: injecting cancerous cells in the body of our community: Converting some of our children to christianity.
When listening to their accurately woven stories, anyone (who had never been in the environment of the village), would believe that the Moroccan authorities had been too brutal and ungrateful:" How were these charity people expelled from Morocco after all what they had done for the welfare of these children and prosperity of the village?"
Of course, we understand some of your reactions, you honest people. Yet, it would be unjust not to listen to the other side: the real victims.
There are many shocking victims' stories. Stories of some village workers, stories of evidence these criminals left behind on the crime scene.
Just be patient and hold your breath. You will certainly change your mind with our breathtaking series of dramatic episodes ...

Hatred dealers

What can we expect from those who had gone astray except work as Satan's messengers?
I wonder how much do these people get out of belching what they can’t digest. Aren’t they wasting their time hiding the sun with their tiny arms? Their arguments are the frailest of all arguments. Spider-webs that will get no more than insects.
We, the Muslims Believe in Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him). We do love and respect Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) as well as his saint mother, Mary. Denying this, means going off course.
By contrast, you have no respect for Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him), otherwise you can’t have hurt him that much. Do you know why? Your priests have invented a lot of stories that make your holy book, sorry, “holy books” full of contradictions.
Yes, we do challenge anyone to say there aren’t appalling contradictions between the tens of versions. They look like a mixture of truth and Greek mythology (there are plenty of proof to challenge your arguments and those of your learned scholars.
You have betrayed Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him). You have caused a lot of damage to the Bible. You have but satisfied the eternal enemy of mankind: Satan.
You are not on Jesus’ (Peace Be Upon Him) footsteps. On the contrary, you are preaching his enemies’ religion. That of the Anti-Christ: Hatred . How can you love others if you hate even yourselves?
Islam is coming to enter every home in the world. We are confident that the future is ours and this is the strongest of all arguments: Throughout history, your crusaders have always been relentless towards Muslims; However, this savage war reaches its peak when Islam becomes a threat to your own morals and way of life. A high rate of conversion to Islam among Christians is taking place. The highest in history.
Muslims no longer look east or west. They are totally confident, more than any time before that Islam is the best of all solutions to their problems.
It's normal you are too frustrated and waging your desperate counter-attack, but it will be in vain.
You are surely preparing “your” second coming, and we are ready too.
Yet, we are waiting for Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) to come in the end times while you are paving the way for Demon, for absolute darkness: "Anti-Christ": your real god.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

The skew-whiff that lost his mind and came to Ain Leuh

In Ain Leuh, Village of Hope (VOH) evangelists have wrenched little orphans and made pariahs out of them. The dual aspect of their ideology finally paid off and the so long moaning she-elephant gave birth to a little misshapen mouse. The result of Chris Broadbent’s efforts (+ Herman Boonstra’s, Errol Muller’s, the Padillas’) is an establishment that used to skew kids in different contradictory directions.
The Broadbents, Akright, Boonstra, Muller, Padilla, (…) tantalized the little innocent infants in a sort of alienated identity: “Little doves that walk like ravens, if not kangaroos.”
Village of Hope proselytizers never informed the little kids what love, compassion, and sacrifice really are. They were so engulfed in a world of hatred to the extent that they thought it was the only currency that opens the gate of “paradise”. Of course, We do not hate Christians: “We love Jesus Peace Be Upon Him more than anybody pretends: Jesus was never hatred-driven.
In fact, an establishment with such malicious and wicked agenda was a tumor designed to be unleashed on our community in due time. Consider this: “Mohammed hates you, Jesus loves you; Mohammed has stolen the gifts that Jesus has given to you…,” this is the rationale and premise that VOH evangelists tried, in vain, to fossilize in the little orphans minds.
The desolate, secluded and cumbersome outpost of regress has surely muddled the kids and sent Boonstra and Muller’s (to site just some vampires) “hopes” flying off in different directions.
The Broadbents, The Mullers, The Boonstras, Akright( Awkward) and his “siblings” The Padillas, who were all unable to fathom the ideology of their institution, are even less likely to make sense of its mission statement : For a “Bitter” Future for the “Tche”-LDREN of Morocco. WHAT A befuddled IDEOLOGY!
To seal this call for real salvation, bear in Mind that Allah says in the Holy Quran 3:85, “And whoever seeks other than Islam as religion, it will not be accepted from him; and in the Hereafter, he will be among the losers.”
Allah also says, “He it is Who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the Religion of the Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, even though the disbelievers are averse.” The Quran 9:33, 61:9 .
Morocco is teeming with brave, intelligent, witty, discrete but bold patriotic PEOPLE.