"This is an invitation to observe, to ponder and to be with us. Our duty is to convey the whole truth, and your right is to know it! Give yourself a chance to know the true Religion of God, and find out the difference for "only the truth shall set you free". You’ve got nothing to lose, but once you understand and accept, you have got your life to gain! In the search for truth, it is indispensable that we take some time and effort to know the basis of our faith, and as true believers we must follow the purest essence of our belief as shown to us by the Messengers of God. Who else can bring us our most needed guidance but those whom God chose and entrusted with a certain mission to proclaim the glad tidings to the believers, and warnings to those who go astray from the way to God and refuse to believe?"
I hate to add fuel to the fire, but analyse this:
“There will come a day when there will be no single Muslim worker inside the VOH!!!" Herman Boonstra, the Alpha and the Omega of VOH.
In no way is this a reflection of true Christianity, but it certainly is a reflection of the kind of religious intolerance espoused by these hate filled preachers which can be found all over the Evangelical world, and right here inside the VOH outpost of fuss. This is why we must speak out against hateful tirades coming from behind the bars of sheer abhorrence. It is time to hold these criminals accountable for the results of their ignorant discourse and vicious half truths.
And for the information of those who may not understand WHY a so called “preacher” would perform "late-term" euthanasia to the peaceful dreams of 33 innocent little Muslim orphans, the usual reason is to provide care and attention to the kids or because of a horrible Faith awakening that the Evangelicals fear they cannot handle. Whether you agree or disagree with Herman Boonstra and his immoral minority, it is NEVER acceptable to murder the dreams of little children under the banner of protecting their lives.
One day, WE will catch the guy. The suspect is a 60 year old male, and he shot our children’s innocence in the bosom of his church. Zealots like Herman Boonstra and Errol Muller wouldn’t be happy until they sever every moral underpinning in Morocco. This has never been about "providing food/shelter" or "equality" but about a devastating strategy meant to destroy innocence, the Moroccan family structure, local communities, decency, and parental authority.
Their puppeteers overseas require them to deceive, cheat, steal, lie, wage war, etc. in the name of proliferating justice and equity. If you refuse to go along with the evil, then the evil masters will torture you forever. So, what choice do they have? I personally do pity them not because they deserve our pity but because they established their frail dreams on the bridge of deceit and treachery. Personally, as a moral human, I would rather not have anything to do with an evil immoral master.
The irony is that while the evangelicals are doing their job of converting each other, they aren’t having much luck converting “the unsaved.” Even worse, Evangelicals are leaving Christianity at a steady rate and either becoming moderate Christians or outright atheists.
To seal this call to real Salvation, consider this statement made by an orphan of VOH,
“It was drilled into me so hard though that I find it hard to completely let go. I honestly despise the practices they use. Get kids in at a young age, tell them if you don't believe this you will be going to a terrible place called Hell. It's still there in the back of my head to this day. I hate Boonstra, Broadbent and Muller to the bones.”
I hate to add fuel to the fire, but analyse this:
“There will come a day when there will be no single Muslim worker inside the VOH!!!" Herman Boonstra, the Alpha and the Omega of VOH.
In no way is this a reflection of true Christianity, but it certainly is a reflection of the kind of religious intolerance espoused by these hate filled preachers which can be found all over the Evangelical world, and right here inside the VOH outpost of fuss. This is why we must speak out against hateful tirades coming from behind the bars of sheer abhorrence. It is time to hold these criminals accountable for the results of their ignorant discourse and vicious half truths.
And for the information of those who may not understand WHY a so called “preacher” would perform "late-term" euthanasia to the peaceful dreams of 33 innocent little Muslim orphans, the usual reason is to provide care and attention to the kids or because of a horrible Faith awakening that the Evangelicals fear they cannot handle. Whether you agree or disagree with Herman Boonstra and his immoral minority, it is NEVER acceptable to murder the dreams of little children under the banner of protecting their lives.
One day, WE will catch the guy. The suspect is a 60 year old male, and he shot our children’s innocence in the bosom of his church. Zealots like Herman Boonstra and Errol Muller wouldn’t be happy until they sever every moral underpinning in Morocco. This has never been about "providing food/shelter" or "equality" but about a devastating strategy meant to destroy innocence, the Moroccan family structure, local communities, decency, and parental authority.
Their puppeteers overseas require them to deceive, cheat, steal, lie, wage war, etc. in the name of proliferating justice and equity. If you refuse to go along with the evil, then the evil masters will torture you forever. So, what choice do they have? I personally do pity them not because they deserve our pity but because they established their frail dreams on the bridge of deceit and treachery. Personally, as a moral human, I would rather not have anything to do with an evil immoral master.
The irony is that while the evangelicals are doing their job of converting each other, they aren’t having much luck converting “the unsaved.” Even worse, Evangelicals are leaving Christianity at a steady rate and either becoming moderate Christians or outright atheists.
To seal this call to real Salvation, consider this statement made by an orphan of VOH,
“It was drilled into me so hard though that I find it hard to completely let go. I honestly despise the practices they use. Get kids in at a young age, tell them if you don't believe this you will be going to a terrible place called Hell. It's still there in the back of my head to this day. I hate Boonstra, Broadbent and Muller to the bones.”
Wouldn't it really suck if you were all duped by someone who did not want you to know the truth? If the truth sets you free, perhaps someone does not want you liberated? What if those people actually infiltrate Christianity in order to deceive you? What if those people just robbed you of the truth and cost you your soul?
Now, people like “Joy” Jones (a name that reminds her of how she used to be before she decided to attack Islam), are waging a vain war against the free will and fair decision of our beloved Morocco. I guess, my old lady, that you have sent at least one of your parents to an old people’s home, something that Muslims don’t do. Your biography is coming soon.
Finally, Joyless, tell your wolf pack that WE DON’T WANT WANT YOU BACK.