Evangelism, No!!!!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Morocco Bobba is back in Town

Morocco Bobba is in Town, High time He played the clown.
Take care of the kids, he might shoot them down.

"Beware of practicing your righteousness [acts of righteousness - NIV] before other people in order to be seen of them…” (ESV)

“When longtime friend M.B. from Azrou learned of Boonstra’s treachery one year prior to the expulsion of VOH Evangelicals, he is thrown out. Later, Robert’s self-serving designs are eventually exposed by old Errol Muller who reconciles with his comrade, Herman and formed a resistance fort against Syrjala, Padilla and Akright.” Anonymous.

Robert P. Syrjala, or Morocco Bobba as some of his pals call him, is an old man who used to co-operate VOH 'brainwashing school', for orphans and other children. He is adamant about earning some notoriety while staying close to the workhouse. When an ex-convict, he hits the road and earns a living doing the dirty work of the devil. He dreams of dying in the arms of Lucifer who promises not to take him unless he commits a horrible crime. Rob illustrates the horror many of the truly needy orphans had been subjugated to. Mister carpenter, as his fellow “Sarumans” used to depict him, is the sanctimonious surveyor and architect "who has never designed or built anything", and one of “the biggest hypocrites” in VOH, as one of his fellows used to delineate him. In an effort to gain some money, he embraces then throws out the shallow faith of the Village.
Herman’s description of Syrjala’s hypocrisy is telling: "Some people likened him to a direction-post, which is always telling the way to a place, and never goes there." Robert P. Syrjala is a high-shouldered hoodlum who is usually dressed in casual clothes, and was keen on bragging about his age-old Puritan conquests. He had a way of writhing when he wanted to express enthusiasm, which was very ugly “Uriah Heep:” it was wonderfully hideous and very reminiscent of ancient cowboys’ cries of glory following the havocs they took with them on their westward expansion. He is described by our correspondent from Ifrane as “a chubby man in his fifties, with thick, lustrous, well-arranged white and grey hair and whiskers. He looks younger than he really is, as Evangelicals often do. His voice is deep and hollow, his face and figure are good, his manners are a little sombre. His room is a little sombre; it said that the correctional institution where he redeemed himself may have had its influence in forming his manner.

Ex-Con man and swindler Bobba, who is known as the carpenter, was seen around the crime scene last week. He has been seen with a snitch G.B from Azrou. They were trying to squeeze the assembled VOH family for some specific reason. Later he appeared in splendor last Wednesday roaming the market of the village .He duped M.B. into joining his efforts of getting in touch with the kids along with some ex-servants of the VOH. He used Simo to fleece Mohammed L. We guess that they are deviously plotting to ruin the village of Ain Leuh so as to bridge the gap between the VOH and the Evangelicals overseas (Muller in Malta, the Boonstras in the Netherlands, the New Zealand priests in Gibraltar….).
In Ain Leuh, people say: “Our goodness threatens the wickedness of people like him.”
Bobba, not Forrest Gump’s Bobba of course as he is nobler, wiser, soft-hearted and humane, WE ARE WATCHING YOUR EVERY MOVE. WE WILL SUE YOU. “WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMERS”, AND WE KNOW YOU CAME BACK FOR SOME HORRIBLE MISCHIEF. We might be far away from VOH, but our eyes are watching your every move.
"Beware of practicing your righteousness [acts of righteousness - NIV] before other people in order to be seen of them…” (ESV)

